Babele Fashion Cubo Girl Red

Babele Fashion Cubo Girl Red
The strapless Cubo dress wraps around you and is fastened with clasps on the right, leaving ample room to show off your side, hip and thigh! We include add-on shoes for Slink high feet!

in the box:
* mesh outfit in 5 sizes
* add-on shoes for Slink high feet

Retail price L$300, on sale 50% off (L$150) now until Thursday, November 6 at our main store:
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    The strapless Cubo dress wraps around you and is fastened with clasps on the right, leaving ample room to show off your side, hip and thigh! We include add-on shoes for Slink high feet! in the b...
    Published on:10/07/2014
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