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  • » [video] Dark emerald dress America

[video] Dark emerald dress America

Are you ready for the independence day?

[video] Dark emerald dress America

Show off your 4th of July pride in Babele's sleeveless cocktail dress, the DarkEmerald Dress America! It features a drape cowl neck that gives the opportunity to show plenty of cleavage. We complete the outfit with a pair of mesh round-toe pumps for Slink high feet.

In the box:
* mesh dress in five sizes
* mesh pumps for Slink high feet

In this video:
# Model: Pinco Janus (me)
# Outfit: Darkemerald dress America by Babele Fashion.
# Shoes: Bimba America by Babele Fashion.
# Hairs: Modern rail blonde by Argrace
# Body: slinkl body.
# Hands: Female Casual Hands by Slink
#Feet: Female High feet by Slink
# Animations: vamimi11 by vista

  • price: 250,00 L$
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